Friday, July 11, 2008

Samson and Daisy

My husband (since he now is an avid reader of my blog) has been critiquing my blog postings (thanks, honey). He mentioned that I have never mentioned the other 2 members of our family. So here is a posting all about our first babies.

Samson is our 7 year old Bullmastiff. He weighs in at 150 pounds. He was born in California and we had him shipped on Continental airlines when he was a little puppy. He was so cute and tiny. He was purchased to be "my" dog but he bonded more with hubby and he doesn't listen to me at all. He loves car rides, begging for food and napping. He is a lazy dog who's snores can rattle the floors. He is a gentle giant.

Daisy is our pitbull. I never thought I would own a pitbull but my husband knew someone who had rescued her but could not keep her. He just brought her home without asking me and I fell in love with her. She jumped into my arms and never looked back. She loves to snuggle with me at night and she is excellent with the little dudes. She loves running up and down our fence and giving kisses. Liam loves running around the house saying "Daisy, Daisy". One of the few words he does say.

It doesn't feel right not to mention one more beloved doggie who has already gone to rainbow bridge. His name was Jackson. He was a Bassett Hound. He loved eating, sleeping and laying on my lap. There are too many good stories to tell about Jackson so I will save it for another post. He will never be forgotten.

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